Spring flings wings!

Sunday morning chorus ... so many happy travelers have arrived back home this week! Flutebird (hermit thrush) got back late last night, his song overlapped with an early morning barred owl. Yesterday it was Wagtail (eastern phoebe) who stood out as newcomer. The Yakker family (northern flickers) were quiet for a few days, but are … Continue reading Spring flings wings!

What a day for a tour …..

February 7th, 2012 It was an incredibly sunny,  blue, gold and white winter day today! What a change from the past few weeks - and so overdue ~ I know it's silly to feel responsible for the weather, but I always feel anxious when the weather doesn't put on it's best face for guests who … Continue reading What a day for a tour …..

Announcing SNOWFLEA TELEFEST Feb 24 – 26th

Dear Free-Heelers, Better late than never, right? Yup - it's that time of year again! Although winter took a while to commit, we are now full snow-shovels ahead for the 16th Annual Snowflea Telefest! February 24th, 25th, and 26th - zoomin' up on us with its' rapper coat a' flapping! Please check out the web … Continue reading Announcing SNOWFLEA TELEFEST Feb 24 – 26th

….and a wonderful weekend it was …..

Lop - It - Good, 2011 ...although strangely deficient in the usual litany of expected environmental assaults, present at most gatherings of this stubborn tribe - tribulations such as severely cold rain,snow-storms, sprained ankles and sticks-in-the-eye, our hardy band of companions braved the benevolently weird weather and made good use of the weekend! (perhaps those … Continue reading ….and a wonderful weekend it was …..